Alliance for Idol Mission-Nepal
Annual Report
S.N | Activities |
1. | Formation and Introduction Meeting of Janasarokar Munch,Sunsari |
2. | VDC level dialogue and workshop between Youth leader from different political parties, youth social leaders or activist and political leaders and stakeholders on Inclusion, participation, conflict transformation, leadership role etc..
3. | Local level Orientation program with Marginalized Women About their right and responsibility on Budget allocation on women empowerment in Plan and Strategy of Local Government (VDC) and Value of their Participants.
4. | District Level Dialogue against the Violation of Muslim Women: Challenges and Solution |
5. | Review of all activities and Closing program with Janasarokar Manch |
- A common platform “Janasarokar Manch”for debating on issues of public concern’s established in sunsari district on 14/03/2016 which help to bring together of all concerned authority and stakeholders to built alternative and address the issues on time.
- VDC level dialogue and workshop between Youth leader from different political parties, youth social leaders or activist and political leaders and stakeholders on Inclusion, participation, conflict transformation, leadership role etc.
- Local level Orientation program with Marginalized Women About their right and responsibility on Budget allocation on women empowerment in Plan and Strategy of Local Government (VDC) and Value of their Participants.
- Distrct Level Dialogue against the Violation of Muslim Women: Challenges and Solution
- Dialogue issues of Violence against Muslim Women: challenges and way forward for solution is aimed at promoting culture of constructive dialogue with people of all walks of life and help to transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace along with transform of all structural discrimination into a fair completion.
With the Financial Support and Coordination Action aid Nepal.
Overall Outcomes from the SUCCESS ACTIVITIES Based on Concept note.
Outcome 1: A common platform for debating on issues of public concern’s established in the district and carry on regular discourse which help to bring together of all concerned authority and stakeholders to built alternative and address the issues on time.
Outcome 2: Networking and cooperation among civil society organization, government authority and citizen established/ strengthened through dialogue program.
Outcome 3: Decreased the level of frustration among the marginalized people about participation, inclusion, constitution, peace building and conflict transformation.
Outcome 4: Aim to update community about the role of historical change of Nepal through the movement of the marginalized people and to realize them the present situation of the marginalized people in eastern Terai.
Outcome 5:The Confidence of participation increased so that common people are able to decided the choice of better live of life which has been becoming worst day by day due to the frustration .
Outcome 6:Project provide opportunity to the Marginalized Women Including Muslim women to interact and discuss with the concerned people and agency about their right and provision which will help them to establish as confidence and educated leaders.
Outcome 7:Increased the level of knowledge on working in the group those alliance women for their security.
Outcome 8:Total 319 women/Youth participants are direct beneficiary from different political parties, local women leaders,activist,local general people who are empowered with the help of this project.
Outcome 9:Our activity has been broadcasted through news from local FM and print media.
- To establish the Jansarokarm Manch a common platform which will carry on the discourse/ dialogue on public issues in local and district level.
- AIM-Nepal will negotiate for such project through Janasarokar Manch in sunsari.The marginalized people of different aspect are to be encouraged to dialogue for rights on local level and regional level to break the traditional, hierarchical, social structure and promised the people better life and social and economical position.