"Against gender violence for peace in family and equality in society"

Letest organizatinal Success event

3 years organizatinal Major Experience Information of Working

S.N Activities/Duration

(By AIM-Nepal)

Project Name Support Donor/Agencies Date/Venue Objective




8 days Training on Reproductive Health focusing to Maternal-Child Health Care as well Uterius-Prolaps


Reproductive Health Awareness and Civir Camp Program


US Embassy ,Kathamndu


In 2016 Nevember

at Harinagara VDCs Focusing to other 12 VDCs nearby.


To Aware on their Reproductive Health focusing to Maternal-Child Health Care as well Uterius-Prolaps




National Muslim Women Workshop 2016




Santos Shah Foundation/AIM-Nepal


In 2016 in April


As  preparatory program to Organize National Muslim Women Conference in Nepal. and

to Express Their Voice Through Them to the Concern People, Institutes, Government and State. Including Their Educational Situation, Domestic Condition, Health Position, Their Dignity, Their Feeling on Talak (Divorce) and Dowry (Dahej) which is doing against Religion, Legal System and Humanity. It is not ethnic based; it’s a Conference of Suffering Group.





Dialogue on issues of public’s concern including Violence against Muslim Women: challenges and way forward for solution




dialogue on issues of public’s concern including Violence against Muslim Women: challenges and way forward for solution



Action Aid,Nepal.ERC,Biratnagar



In  March 2016 (Continue)


Is aimed at promoting culture of constructive dialogue with people of all walks of life and help to transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace along with transform of all structural discrimination into a fair completion.

Inclusive system to empowered participation of marginalized women and Youth in local governance decision-making level.








Proposal writing training for Capacity Building training for Marginalized Women in Chadbela VDC




District Development Committee ,Sunsari


In 2016


Access  and Empower Muslim and Marginalized Women to Local Governments’ Activities through participatory Method




Demonstration and peaceful Rally Program In National and International Day / Blood Donation Program


Continue program by AIM-Nepal



Coordination/volunteering/Internal Fund/



From 2016 (Continue…)



To serve community as social worker





Youth peace Dialogue Centre (YPDC)


PAC Running in Sunsari


ADO BC-Nepal


From 2017 (Continue…)


Common Platform for Youth/Women from Major Political Party and Youth Activist from Different organization  to discuss the major current issues





Formation of Women Counseling and  e Dialogue Centre (WCDC)


WCDC program running in 14 VDCs of Sunsari and One Municipality





From 2017 (Continue…)


To Provide Free Counseling and Legal Service to those women suffering from domestic and women violence




Janasarokar Manch-Sunsari


Public Concern Program


ActionAid, Biratnagar


in 2016 (Continue…)

A common platform “Janasarokar Manch”for debating on issues of public concern’s established in sunsari district on 14/03/2016  which help to bring together of all concerned authority and stakeholders to built alternative and address the issues on time.


9 Program against women voiolence/counseling/awareness program on capacity building promoting access to justice to Combat Gender-Based Violence ADS kathmandu in 2017


To increase communities’ capacity and resilience to prevent and respond to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV)




2018 Alliance for Idol Mission Nepal (AIM-Nepal) By IT Home