(The organization has developed their own Strategy and Operational Plan (SOP) 2017-2022 in the field of Development. According to context following themes are carried out by Organization.)
Analysis and Enahance the Situation of Adolescence Girl
Adolescence, referred to the age group from 10 to 19 years of age, is the phase of transition from dependence to independence. During this time, it paves way for physical, mental, psychological and emotional changes. The period of adolescence is that of curiosity and exploration and to do that within the norms and values of the society creates conflicts in the minds of young people. Adolescence is a critical period in a girl’s life, when significant physical, emotional and social changes shape her future. In too many parts of the world, adolescence is the most precious time for girls. A quarter of a billion girls live in poverty. Most girls from Nepal marry before 19 and some as early as 15.
Most common problems of girls are linked to appearance, education, teenage girl problems with guys, peer pressure, self esteem, substance use, menstruation and so on. School dropout and child marriage are interrelated outcomes that have an enormous impact on adolescent girls, curtailing full realization of their rights, limiting their livelihood options, and harming their health and wellbeing as well as that of their children. The communication gap between parents and adolescents gives way to depression in many cases. The conflict between what the family and society expects and the adolescent’s influence invites mental and emotional problems. The diagnosis of mental problems especially catering to adolescents should be facilitated. Lack of concentration in studies, mind deviates to other things like internet and sex. Adolescents can’t deal with their problems themselves. They need guidance and supervision from someone, say, a role model in whom they can confide their problems, or they can read inspirational books for tips to analyze their own problems and maintain self-control. The risk is intersectional, meaning that some girls face heightened risk of experiencing physical or sexual violence, including those married before age 18, living in conflict and fragility, with low levels of education or who are sexual and gender minorities.
According to the October 2006 data of Informal Sector Service Centre on Human Consequences of Nepal’s Armed Conflict, 13,270 people were killed and 1,147 disappeared during the 10-year period of the disturbances. Many adolescents lost their parents and were forced to lead their families. This led to heavy economic crises and a huge burden on the young shoulders. Four out of 10 children (41.7%) work in Nepal and six out of 10 child laborers are girls. Out of 1.7 million children engaged in economic activity, 127,000 are involved in hazardous works, such as bonded child laborers, domestic workers, child porters and rag pickers.
Due to poverty, families in rural areas expect economic support from adolescents. This is why many young people opt for foreign labor migration. While adolescence is a time for great vulnerability for girls, it is also an ideal point to leverage development and diplomacy efforts. It is an opportunity to disrupt poverty from becoming a permanent condition that is passed from one generation to the next. A pivotal question for an adolescent girl is whether she stays in school. If she drops out of school prematurely, she faces an increased risk of early marriage, early pregnancy, HIV infection and maternal morbidities. She is also likely to be unskilled, have less earning power and be less able to participate meaningfully in society. However, if she remains in school, she is more likely to marry later, have fewer and healthier children and earn an income that she will invest into her family and community. To break the cycle of poverty, our efforts must reach girls before they arrive at this intersection of adolescence and follow them until they complete their education. This investment is not just an investment in girls, but in their families and communities.
The goal of AIM Nepal under this strategy is to ensure teenage girls are educated, healthy, economically and socially empowered, and free from violence and discrimination, thereby promoting national development, security and prosperity. Our efforts aim to enhance their access to quality education, to reduce their risk of child, early, and forced marriage; to reduce their vulnerability to gender based-violence, including harmful norms and practices such as female genital mutilation, and to provide them with tools necessary to fully participate in their societies, claim their rights, and make informed decisions about their lives.