"Against gender violence for peace in family and equality in society"


  • AIM-Nepal believes young people have particularly women/girls have unique insights, experiences and recommendations that can make decision making more effective. Our mission is therefore to develop the abilities of young people, create and access opportunities that improve their lives and communities and also ensure that young women/girls are influencing policy decisions that affect their lives and help to realize their rights.
  • The abused women/girls, children, suffering victims of gender violence; adolescent girls are the major target groups or say, beneficiaries of our programs. Organization will centralize to make them conscious, able, united, active, educate and empower. They will be able to consume Human Rights and fundamental Rights provided by state. Society will be happy, prosperous, self-dependent, non-discriminated and family will be peaceful.

2018 Alliance for Idol Mission Nepal (AIM-Nepal) By IT Home